You said, we did!
You told us... What we have done as a result
To put LWNT names to agenda items Each agenda item has an assigned officer.
Contact pest control regarding rats Pest control attended on 7th May to investigate rat issue. Nospotted between 300s-400s of Barandon evidence of rodent activity but are happy to reattend if the Walk problem still persists.
To investigate in-post lockers for The lockers are pending groundworks. Electrics have been Treadgold residents installed.
Have conversations with other gyms The engagement team have reached out to a number of gyms regarding respite options and are currently exploring options with 3 gyms which are due to v get back in touch.
To put LWNT names to agenda items Each agenda item has an assigned officer.
Contact pest control regarding rats Pest control attended on 7th May to investigate rat issue. Nospotted between 300s-400s of Barandon evidence of rodent activity but are happy to reattend if the Walk problem still persists.
To investigate in-post lockers for The lockers are pending groundworks. Electrics have been Treadgold residents installed.
Have conversations with other gyms The engagement team have reached out to a number of gyms regarding respite options and are currently exploring options with 3 gyms which are due to v get back in touch.