Latest news for Treadgold House

March 2023

Update on the refurbishment

LWNT are excited to announce that the designs for your block are close to being finalised, and the information for the second planning application has been prepared. 
This includes the replacement resident stores in the car park and a plant room. Your contractor United Living are on board and now have a representative in Unit 17 Baseline Studios. 
We are working closely with them to finalise the cost of the works. Once these details have been finalised, we will write to all residents inviting you to a meet the contractor event. 
You will have the opportunity to meet the team and ask any questions you may have.

Workshop: How can we support you and your household?

We recognise that the refurbishment will be disruptive to residents, and are committed to supporting every household in a tailored way, to ensure your diverse needs are met. 
This includes temporary housing, respite in the day and night, and ensuring we communicate effectively. 
Please come along to a dedicated workshop, and tell us how we can support you through the refurbishment. 
We are keen to hear what you need and any concerns you may have, particularly our most vulnerable residents and those with medical needs and special requirements. 
Monday 27 March 6-7pm Unit 1 Baseline Studios All Treadgold House residents welcome and refreshments will be available.

Meet your resident liaison officers

You have 2 resident resident liaison officers (RLO) available to answer any questions or queries you have about the refurbishment. 
They will ensure you are kept informed with the refurbishment developments and what to expect during the works. 
To contact your Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team RLO, please email Louka at 
To contact your United Living RLO, please email Shaniqua at 

Parklet design

LWNT have secured funding from the Future Neighbourhood Fund to commission a parklet for Treadgold residents to enjoy. 
The proposed design has been included above and will be delivered by the garden designers Meristem. 
It will incorporate sheltered outdoor seating and provide Treadgold residents a space to socialise and relax.
If you have any questions regarding the parklet please contact Alana Mann at 

Respite offers - now available!

As Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team undertakes the energy-efficient refurbishment of Treadgold House, we understand that for some residents, respite options will need to be considered due to disturbance when carrying out noisy work. 
Respite may mean different things, depending on your circumstances and needs. The purpose of the brochure is to highlight the provisions available through Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team to support residents during the refurbishment works. 
Offers include:   • Free Noise cancelling headphones for all the family  • Support when staying with friends and family  • Staying digitally connected with our free sim cards  • Wellbeing support from NHS professionals 
Find out more

Join the Treadgold WhatsApp group!

There is a dedicated WhatsApp group for Treadgold house residents. 
By joining you will be kept informed on the refurbishment updates, receive reminders of when different works are taking place and be kept informed on wider estate events. If you'd like to be part of the group please follow the link below or scan the QR code with your phone.  