Help choose the contractor who will carry out the energy efficient refurbishment of your block?
We are inviting all residents of the Walkways (Lot 1) and Morland House and Talbot Grove House (Lot 3) to take part in scoring the contractors (Bidders) who are interested in delivering the main refurbishment works for your blocks.
We want to make sure we get the best contractor for each block and to do that we would like your help in assessing those who have submitted an application.
Bidders’ responses to the questions and scenarios we present to them will help us determine which contractor would be the best “fit” for your block, and your help in determining how well the contractor has responded would be valuable.
You would be scoring Bidders against set criteria and, you will need to take into consideration that diligently going through the bidder’s applications may take a few hours of your time. Please note that you will be given help and training to ensure you are comfortable with the process via a training workshop; and will have access to members of LWNT to answer any of your queries as needed.
If you would like to take part in choosing the contractor for your block, please RSVP to linda.fenelon@rbkc.gov.uk by Friday 7 June, and we will send you further information.
We want to make sure we get the best contractor for each block and to do that we would like your help in assessing those who have submitted an application.
Bidders’ responses to the questions and scenarios we present to them will help us determine which contractor would be the best “fit” for your block, and your help in determining how well the contractor has responded would be valuable.
You would be scoring Bidders against set criteria and, you will need to take into consideration that diligently going through the bidder’s applications may take a few hours of your time. Please note that you will be given help and training to ensure you are comfortable with the process via a training workshop; and will have access to members of LWNT to answer any of your queries as needed.
If you would like to take part in choosing the contractor for your block, please RSVP to linda.fenelon@rbkc.gov.uk by Friday 7 June, and we will send you further information.
Email Linda