Notting Dale 2030 - Vecindario del futuro

The central aim is to transform Notting Dale into an exemplar model of eco-neighbourhood that is greener, fairer and more climate resilient for all, by 2030.

Over 50 projects are now in progress or already complete through the programme. These are bringing benefits to the community in Notting Dale through:
  • Improved air quality

  • More energy efficient homes

  • Lower carbon emissions

  • Improved access to nature

  • Addressing barriers to active travel

  • Creating more green spaces

  • New green jobs and training opportunities for residents

  • Tackling social and health inequalities

  • Tackling the cost of living crisis 

Projects on Lancaster West part funded through the Future Neighbourhoods programme include:  
Verity Close Garden of Life
Camelford Court BioSolar roof
Warm roofs with solar PV at Talbot Walk, Clarendon Walk, and Camelford Walk
Secret Garden Green Screen
Lancaster Green Solar Parklet
Green Skills Academy

Want to find out more? 

For more information on the Notting Dale Future Neighbourhoods Programme, please visit the Council website by clicking the link below!
Watch the video below to hear more about why Notting Dale was put forward for the scheme. 
Click here for more info!

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