Employment and Training

LancWest Works Opportunities Job

LancWest Works waa hindise lagu siinayo dadka deggan Lancaster West ee ku nool dhismaha fursad ay ku codsadaan inay la shaqeeyaan Kooxda Xaafadda Lancaster West ama la-hawlgalayaasha boos lacag ah. Deganayaashu waxay codsan karaan shaqooyinka hoos ku qoran ama, haddii mid ka mid ah doorarkan aanu ku haboonayn, waxaad ku muujin kartaa xiisahaaga adigoo buuxinaya foomkan waxaanan la xidhiidhi doonaa haddii aan haysano shaqo ku haboon.

Employment and training spring schedule 2024

If you'd like more information on any of the activities in the schedule above, please click the link below to view them on the calendar. 

Want to partner with us? Looking to book the space? Here's what you need to know...'

The Lancaster West Residents’ Association (LWRA) and the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team (LWNT) form a collaborative partnership. 
In this partnership, the LWRA is responsible for space management, while the LWNT handles operational delivery. This includes managing partner agreements and adhering to partner guidelines.
If you're interested in partnering with us or booking our space, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Abbas Dadou Chair - LWRA chair@lancwest.com 
Felicity Maries Programme Manager – Community Development, Partnerships and Circular Economyfelicity.maries@rbkc.gov.uk