Notting Dale Community Laundrette

How does the Laundrette work?

1. Simply book your online slot below.

2. Bring your laundry and detergent.

3. Check-in at reception - the team will help you find what you need.

4. Put your washing in - remember to check how long the cycle will be.

5. Come and collect! 
Book here

When can it be accessed?

The laundrette is accessible in Baseline Studios on weekdays 9am – 3pm, with final collection for washed items by 5pm.
A full load wash and dry cycle is 3 hours and 20 minutes. 

Currently, ONE slot per day is available for Notting Dale residents, and we’ll monitor bookings to ensure capacity and fair access for residents. 
Book here

La xidhiidh wakiilkaaga Block

Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad rabto inaad la xiriirto Block Rep si aad ugala gasho doodo dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan naqshadeynta iyo gaarsiinta dib u habeynta.

Barandon Walk: David O'Connell & Simon Jolly
Socodka Hurstway: Jacqui Haynes & Virginia Sang
Socodka Testerton: Michelle Active, Miles Watson & Susan Al-Safadi

Haddii aanad hore u haysan faahfaahinta xidhiidhkaaga Reps, fadlan nagala soo xidhiidh ama wac 0800 389 2005 waan kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa.