Hawlaha bilaashka ah

Kor u kaca Qiimaha Nolosha ayaa saameeya in ka badan biilasha oo kaliya.
Dhaqdhaqaaqayada bilaashka ah waxay bixiyaan fursado kala duwan: si aan u niyad-jabinno, si aad qoyska ula kulanto, si aad xiriir ugu sameysid bulshadaada dhexdeeda. Hoos waxaa ku yaal liiska waxqabadyada dadka deegaanka si ay u galaan, oo ay fududeeyeen LWNT, Ururka Deganeyaasha Galbeedka Lancaster iyo RBKC ballaaran.
Waa inaad sidoo kale hubisaa jadwalkayaga:

What support is availbale?

  • Budgeting support
  • Debt relief and payment plans for rent and utility arrears
  • Benefits calculations and assessment preparation
  • Support into employment including CVs, applications, interviews and managing transitioning into employment
  • Advocacy for residents - we are here to support you
  • Support with cost of living, assistance with emergency grant applications via the Cash First scheme
  • Signposting to digital access, social isolation or wellbeing support.
The project also supports residents in overcoming mental and physical health challenges related to financial stress.
For more information about this project, contact Hibo below. 
Email Hibo