Neighbourhood Strategy 2024- 2027

Our vision to deliver a resident-led 21st century housing service that is carbon-neutral by 2030

Neighbourhood Strategy 2024- 2027

The Neighbourhood Strategy 2024 - 2027 looks back at the last three years to identify what has gone well and celebrates our achievements in delivering residents priorities outlined in the last Neighbourhood Strategy 2021 - 2024.

In developing the Neighbourhood Strategy 2024 -2027, we have taken resident feedback and input from various sources and activities from over the last 3 years. This includes resident feedback from the most recent annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) survey carried out in November 2023, monthly customer satisfaction surveys and other feedback and input from resident engagement and co-design activities.

Using residents feedback and input we have identified areas where we need to work together better, and what the new priorities are for residents over the next three years.

Based on what residents have told us, our work over the next three years will be focused around three themes:

1. Listen and act to deliver effortless and accessible services to residents

2. Repair, refurbish, and decarbonise every home to deliver a world class repairs service in a safe, modern,  and carbon-neutral estate

3. Create opportunities for the whole community that promote a successful, sustainable, and healthy community


Key achievements in the last 3 years include:

  • 139 households moved through the Local Lettings Plan and Refurbishment Decant Scheme and saw a 15% reduction in overcrowding from 25% to 10%
  • Completed over 10,500 repairs since 2021 and over 93% of repairs were delivered in house within an average turnaround of 5 days
  • 60% of all properties on the estate have had refurbishment works with 54% of homes with a new kitchen and 55% new bathrooms
  • 40 projects active or delivered to support decarbonisation
  • 19% CO2 reduction since 2020/21 across the estate
  • 2350 Meters squared of new green space created
  • £5.2m+ of social financial value brought into the estate
  • £50k+ more external funding secured for Green Skill training in 2024/25

Read more about the above in your Neighbourhood Strategy