Neighbourhood Services Map

What is the Neighbourhood Services Map?

Learn more about the services in your area with the Neighbourhood Services Map 
This interactive map of North Kensington identifies local projects, services and facilities on and around the Lancaster West Estate including local schools, nurseries, sports facilities, employment services, green spaces, activities for children and young people and so much more

How to use the Neighbourhood Services Map?

The map identifies projects, services and facilities on and around the Lancaster West Estate making it easy to find out information about what's available in your area. 
Each project, service or facility has been categorised into four groups: 
Education and Economic Development 
  • Employment
  • Education and Training Services
  • Financial

Health and Wellbeing 
  • Food and nutrition, 
  • Physical Health
  • Medical Health
  • Mental Health 

Sustainability and a Green Estate 
  • Green spaces
  • Sustainable Practices 
  • Waste Management 

Connected Communities 
  • Community Cohesion 
  • Resident Activism 
  • Transport 

Once you find the pin you are looking for, you will see some extra information including the project, service or facility name, a short description, address and the relevant website. 
If you are in any way struggling to the use the Neighbourhood Services Map, contact LWNT on or 0800 389 2005.

How to access the Neighbourhood Services Map?

  • You will be directed to another page with a map of North Kensington and the Lancaster West Estate in the middle. There are pins dotted across the estate and surrounding area that indicate the different projects, services and facilities. 
  •  The Neighbourhood Themes are on the right-hand side which you can use to filter the pins by the four themes. 
  •  On the bottom left-hand you can break the theme into side sub-category e.g., Education and Economic Development is broken into 3 sub-categories: "Education/ Training", "Employment", "Financial". 
  • Click below to access the Neighbourhood Services Map.
Try it out

How to move around the Neighbourhood Services Map?

  • You can move around the map by clicking and dragging in the direction you want to go 
  • You can zoom in and out by clicking on the + and – buttons on the top left-hand side 
  • If you lose your place, then click on the home icon on the top right-hand side and it will take you back to the original view   

How to find out more about a service, project or facility?

  • Click on the pin and a pop up will appear to provide you with the additional information you need 
  • Scroll up and down or left and right to see all the information for that relevant pin.
  • If there are more than one pin on a site, you can navigate to these other pins by clicking the arrows on the top of the pop-up screen.  

Filtering the Neighbourhood Services Map

  • You can add filters to the Neighbourhood Services Map to more easily find the pins that are relevant to you. You do this by adding filters to the Neighbourhood Services Themes.
  • These four themes are on the right-hand side 
  • You can turn these filters on and off by ticking or unticking the box. For example, if you are interested in just Health and Wellbeing services, projects or facilities, then you would untick the other three Neighbourhood Themes
  • This would reduce the number of pins on the map and only include those that are relevant for the theme you have ticked 
  • Make sure that that Neighbourhood Theme is ticked before trying to filter the sub-categories. 
  • These are the four filters on the bottom left-hand side.
  • Each filter is relevant to a different Neighbourhood theme 
  • Click on the Neighbourhood Theme filter you are interested in, and then turn on the sub-category you are interested in. 
  • This would reduce the number of pins on the map and would only include those that are relevant for the sub-category you have ticked.