Refurbishing homes to be comfortable and energy efficient

By improving the energy efficiency of our homes, we will reduce the amount of energy required to power them, this will contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions and will help to lower fuel bills, in turn, helping to tackle fuel poverty. Additionally, the comfort of homes will improve, which can help to boost resident’s health and wellbeing​. 


Retrofit all homes with a whole-house fabric first approach, including: ​High quality non-combustible roof, floor, and wall insulation ​ and Triple-glazed windows​

  • Improve ventilation to keep a flow of fresh air and better heat control within homes​
  • Use modern methods of construction to minimise disruption and environmental impact​
  • Install modern and low energy appliances and lighting through the internal refurbishment ​
  • Use data and insight to measure the performance of homes and maximise improvements

Progress so far…

  • Completed an options appraisal with Retrofit Accelerator, which included a summary of possible approaches to the refurb and the impacts these would each have ​
  • Began work with multidisciplinary design teams for all blocks, including the development of feasibility reports for each block​
  • Secured over £21million additional funding for a sustainable refurbishment​
  • Delivered the first energy efficient Council home in the borough ​
  • Completed full internal refurbishment of 16% of homes, upgrading to modern energy efficient kitchen and bathroom appliances and lighting ​
  • Began engagement with residents on the detailed design of the refurbishment ​
  • Collected important information on current building performance, including Energy Performance Certificates​

Actions we will take

  • Achieve a minimum of EPC C for every tenanted home​
  • Target EnerPHit standards in terms of heating demand, airtightness, and thermal bridging​ 
  • Fulfil resident priorities and improve standards of living ​
  • Improve the energy efficiency of 100 additional homes through the internal refurbishment programme​
  • Pilot every major energy efficiency aspect of the major refurbishment ​
  • Train a minimum of 10 of the LWNT team and operatives in retrofit and energy testing
For energy saving advice, please visit the Energy Savings Trust Home - Energy Saving Trust

Lancaster West's first low-energy home