Support offered by LWNT

Your Neighbourhood Team and the Lancaster West Residents’ Association are working to offer a range of support services to all residents who are feeling the pressures of rising living costs. 
You are always welcome into Baseline Studios for a chat with one of the team.

Struggling to pay your phone bill?

We are offering free data for up to 6 months to eligible residents who have no and/or limited access to the internet. 
You must be:
  • 18+ years old, from a low-income household 
  • Have no or limited access to the internet when at home and/or away from home 
  • Struggling to keep up with the regular costs of your phone bill
Eligible? Contact us

Broadband offer

Hyperoptic are offering free broadband for 12 months to eligible residents. This is supplied by RBKC’s affordable product scheme. 
To assess eligibility the council will consider: 
  • Housing Benefit and/or Universal Credit status 
  • Number of school age children
  • Age of applicant if over 65 
  • Current broadband connectivity 
If you are eligible please get in touch by emailing or call us on 0800 389 2005

Eligible? Contact us

Need help with job seeking and universal credit?

Come to our DWP drop-in session to find out more. 
Find out what support you may be entitled to as a first-time jobseeker or someone returning to work after a while, including any financial support with universal credit, benefits, childcare costs, interviews and travel. These are 1-2-1 confidential, advice sessions, hosted by the Job Centre. 
For more information, or to book a slot, contact Khadra:
Restarting in February 2023.
Contact Khadra

Need some employment or benefit support?

Come to our weekly drop-ins with Nova!

Nova offers a wide range of pre-employment information, advice and guidance to local residents who are looking for work or needing some additional support, as well as some group workshops.

You can book an appointment by contacting Khadra below, or come down to Baseline Studios on Thursdays, 11am – 5pm.


Wellbeing drop-ins

On Mondays NHS therapists from the Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service attend the LWRA community breakfast at North Kensington Resource Centre. 
They provide residents the opportunity to chat informally about any issues affecting them, including stress caused by financial pressure. They can then signpost residents to the appropriate service. 
To find out more, please contact Natalie below.  
Contact Natalie

Free health checks with the NHS

Book in to see the GP on the first Thurday of the month at Baseline Studios. 
This includes a:
  • Physical examination
  • Point of care glucose check
  • Mental health screening
Please contact us at or 0800 389 2005 to book a slot. 
Book here