Treadgold House

You said, we did! 

You told us...                                                What we have done as a result
To put LWNT names to agenda items                Each agenda item has an assigned officer.
Contact pest control regarding rats                   Pest control attended on 7th May to investigate rat issue. Nospotted between 300s-400s of Barandon          evidence of rodent activity but are happy to reattend if the Walk                                                                  problem still persists. 

To investigate in-post lockers for                      The lockers are pending groundworks. Electrics have been Treadgold residents                                           installed.  
Have conversations with other gyms                 The engagement team have reached out to a number of gyms regarding respite options                                   and are currently exploring options with 3 gyms which are due to                                                                       get back in touch.  

Watch timelapse of crane lifting air source heat pumps up to Treadgold roof

Watch as six air source heat pumps are craned on to the roof of Treadgold House as part of the energy efficient refurbishment of the whole block. The heat pumps will supply low carbon heating and hot water to all homes in the block.
Treadgold House is the first block on Lancaster West to undergo an energy efficient refurbishment to a carbon neutral standard transforming it into a sustainable and energy efficient place to live for residents.

Lancaster West’s estate-wide refurbishment will help residents use less energy, save money and have cleaner, greener, healthier homes. Lancaster West is going carbon-neutral, delivering on residents priorities.

April 2024 Treadgold House refurbishment update

Roof: The temporary roof structure will be removed after the completion of roof works. 
Internal works: Internal works in voids and decanted properties will continue.
Windows and doors: The installation of the windows and doors in the majority of the block is almost complete.

New plant and bin store construction: Our contractor will continue the construction of the new plant and bin store. This involves setting foundations, drainage, and services to ensure efficient operations.

Air Source Heat Pumps: A new support structure will be prepared for the installation of air source heat units at roof level. These will supply low carbon heating and hot water to the homes at Treadgold House and a milestone event in the delivery of a net zero neighbourhood. 
Central staircore refurbishment: Works are continuing in the central staircore to modernise this vital aspect of the building.
Walkway insulation:
Insulation of the walkways will continue, contributing to improved thermal efficiency and resident comfort. 

Watch the installation of the temporary roof on Treadgold House

The temporary roof will provide protection from rain to the homes below, while the existing waterproofing and insulation layers are removed. 
This will be followed by the installation of new waterproofing and non-combustible mineral wool insulation to keep homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer. 
Solar panels and an air source heat pump will also go on the roof to provide heating and hot water to every home in the block. 
Lancaster West’s estate-wide refurbishment will help residents use less energy, save money and have cleaner, greener, healthier homes. Lancaster West is going carbon-neutral, delivering on residents priorities.

Temporary water suspension letter

3 month programme of works for the refurbishment of Treadgold House January 2024

3 month programme of works for the refurbishment of Treadgold House September 2023

3 month programme of works for the refurbishment of Treadgold House June 2023

Treadgold House Pocket Park

We are installing a Pocket Park on Lancaster Green (opposite the Kensington Leisure Centre) at the end of June as part of our Respite offer. 
This was co-designed with Treadgold House residents at an engagement event in May 2022. It is movable and designed to provide a space for people to work, relax or socialise in. This has been supported by the Mayor of London's Future Neighbourhoods 2030 Fund.

Treadgold House FAQs

What are my moving options?

Who will support the more vulnerable residents to move?

What will happen with storing my personal belongings? ​

Are residents being offered any form of payment to cover unexpected, out-of-pocket expenditure, such as paying for redirecting post, or having their TV / internet connected in a new property? ​

In situations where residents are having personal property put into storage, is this being stored by a RBKC approved supplier? And is RBKC insuring items that are being stored as a result of the mandatory decant? ​

When I move into the temporary flat, what will happen next?​ ​

Will my rent increase as a result of the refurbishment?​

Will I have to pay two sets of utility bills if I move temporarily? ​

Are residents required to notify their utility companies (gas, electric, water) about the move? ​

Due to utility bills increasing more in the walkways and other blocks, will this mean we will experience higher costs as a result of the temporary move? ​

Will my council tax increase as a result of the refurbishment?

What will be done to ensure that when we move, we won’t have to pay for parking permits?​

How can we stop others from parking once the work has been done?​

What offers are available for residents regarding TV packages?​

Will our post be redirected? 

What is the heat network? 

What is the resident price promise?​

What happens after 2030?​

Who will be the heat supplier?​

Why can I not choose my heat provider? ​

Who will I pay my gas bills to?​

Treadgold House works now on site!

Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team is pleased to announce that the first phase of construction works at Treadgold House on Lancaster West are underway. 
It will be the first block on the estate to go carbon-neutral. United Living were awarded the contract. Energy efficient improvements being delivered include triple glazed windows, solar PV panels, non-combustible wall, floor, and roof insulation, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, the removal of gas to be replaced with an Air Source Heat Pump, as well as comprehensive internal refurbishment. 
As well as reducing the energy demand of the building, this work will mean residents benefit from substantially lower energy bills, reduced need for repairs and maintenance, better air quality, reduced noise from outside, and more comfortable homes. This energy efficient retrofit is part of LWNT’s commitment to make Lancaster West model a 21st century model estate that is carbon-neutral by 2030. 
Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team and Energiesprong UK have worked together to secure £1.5m of funding through the Mustbe0 project, funded by the Interreg NWE Programme through the European Regional Development Fund. 

Treadgold House: Finalising detailed designs

As we now move onto the Final Design of your block refurbishment, we will need to obtain residents’ final choice for their block in the coming weeks. 
To begin this process, we would like to invite you to our drop in event: Unit 29 Drop-in: Wednesday 18 May between 4.30-7pm in Treadgold House gardens or Unit 29, Baseline Studios, if the weather is bad. Find out more about the upcoming changes to your block. You will be able to see material samples and designs, and have your questions and concerns addressed directly. Please note you may wish to wear a mask. 
This is just the beginning of the Final Design stage as we will co-designing the refurbishment close with residents and will have more engagements in the coming weeks and months. However, if you’re ready to start your final design choice process now, you can do so by filling in the survey by clicking on this link or returning the paper survey we sent you by dropping it into the “LWNT” silver survey box at outside the doors of Baseline Studios Please note the deadline for returning this survey is Friday 27 May

Treadgold House Phase 3: Finalising Detailed Designs

Treadgold House first block to go carbon-neutral!

March 2022

Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team is delighted to announce that Treadgold House on Lancaster West will be the first council-owned housing block to go carbon-neutral. 
United Living South Limited has been awarded the contract of £6.85m to design and build a whole house deep retrofit refurbishment for the block.
Energy efficient improvements being delivered include triple glazed windows, solar PV panels, non-combustible wall, floor, and roof insulation, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, the removal of gas to be replaced with an Air Source Heat Pump, as well as comprehensive internal refurbishment.
Find out more

Treadgold House Emerging Preferences and Choices refurbishment results!

Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team is pleased to announce the results of the Emerging Preferences and Choices refurbishment survey which was sent to Treadgold House residents. Residents chose a white façade as their preferred option for the external walls for their block. 
The image give an idea of what Treadgold House will look like when the refurbishment works are finished. Treadgold House is the first council-owned block to go carbon-neutral. United Living have been appointed to do the refurbishment which is expected to start before the end of the year. 
A contractor will be providing a 30-year maintenance plan, which will include façade cleaning for these external walls.

Emerging Preferences and Choices - Feasibility Report

Treadgold House Initial Design Ideas - Feedback Report

Garden Concept Co-Design Workshops

As part of the refurbishment works taking place at Treadgold House, we hosted a series of online workshops to hear thoughts and ideas about how to improve the surrounding green spaces. LWNT invited Social Landscapes, an independent Community Interest Company that specialise in community-led garden design to facilitate these workshops.  They focused on how residents currently use the outdoor spaces and how this experience can be enhanced, whether that's in the form of a communal garden, creating an area for play, making better use of the car park, or growing plants on balconies. 

Design Details: Gardens and Outside Spaces. Treadgold House

April 2021

Social Landscape’s Treadgold House Resident Co-Design Second Workshop

On 30th March 2021, Tish Vail and Michel Thill from Social Landscapes and the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team met remotely with residents of Treadgold House on concept development of the green spaces around their block as part of the Lancaster West Estates refurbishment. This was the second in a series of three workshops.

You can watch recordings of the meeting below.

Social Landscape’s Treadgold House Resident Co-Design Second Workshop

Social Landscapes' Treadgold House Gardens and Outside Spaces Resident Co-Design First Workshop

On the 17th March 2021, Tish and Michel from Social Landscapes met remotely with residents of Treadgold House to get their ideas about how the green spaces around their block could be improved as part of the Lancaster West Estates refurbishment. This was the first in a series of three workshops. Residents had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers from the designers.
You can watch the recording of the meeting and view the presentation slides below, and find details of how to join the next meeting.

Social Landscapes' Treadgold House Resident Co-Design First Workshop

Treadgold House

Social Landscapes Resident Co-Design First Workshop

Energy measurements in your home

Treadgold House residents have chosen to go forward with the Mustbe0 carbon-neutral refurbishment of the block! We now need to carry out energy performance measurements in homes to help make sure refurbishment works are carried out properly and to make sure refurbished homes are comfortable to live in. We will be in touch with residents in February to book appointments to carry out the first of these tests. We will start by measuring the thermal performance of homes. This will help to understand how well they keep heat in. A company called Build Test Solutions will carry out the measurements for the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team. To carry out the tests, a Build Test Solutions staff member will be visiting homes and installing sensors which will stay in place for 3 weeks.

The Treadgold House refurbishment is supported by the European Mustbe0 project, funded by the Interreg NWE Programme through the European Regional Development Fund.

Energy Measurements FAQs

What does thermal performance mean?  We need to measure the thermal performance of your home. This means understanding how well it keeps heat in. It will help to make sure refurbishment works are carried out to a high standard and that your home is made more comfortable.     Who will carry out the measurements?  Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team has asked Build Test Solutions to carry out the tests. Build Test Solutions are a company that measure the energy performance of buildings.     Does someone need to visit my home? Yes, to carry out the thermal performance tests, a Build Test Solutions staff member needs to visit your home and install sensors. There will be two visits:  
  1. Visit 1, 5-10 minutes: During this visit they will take meter readings, room measurements, and install temperature sensors which will remain in place for 3 weeks.  
  2. Visit 2, three weeks later, 5 minutes: During this visit they will take meter readings and collect the temperature sensors.  
  How will the sensors be installed? The installation will be non-invasive, this means no use of screws and no damage to your home.      Can I move the sensors whilst they are in my home? No, the sensors should not be moved or touched. They should be left where they are for 3 weeks for the test to be carried out properly.    How will my data be used, who does it go to? The only use of the data is to measure energy efficiency in the property, to help determine options and solutions going forward with the refurbishment. No personal data is collected and the measurements are not given to energy companies.    What Covid-19 protection measures will be taken during the visits? 
  • During each visit into your home, the Build Test Solutions staff member will wear a face mask and gloves.  
  • Before the Build Test Solutions staff member enters the property, we will ask you to open a window to provide ventilation.   
  • They will try to be in the property for as short a time as possible.  
  • If you feel more comfortable, you can remain in a room which is closed off from the rest of the home for most of the test to isolate from Build Test Solutions staff. 

Funding opportunity for super-modern, carbon-neutral homes

We have an opportunity to secure extra funding for the refurbishment of Treadgold House. Multi-storey Buildings Energy Zero (Mustbe0) is a EU Interregional programme led by the Energiesprong Foundation (NL) and the Energiesprong teams in France, Germany and UK.  

It is offering an EU grant of £1.3 million to fund a net-zero refurbishment of Treadgold House This is a unique opportunity for extra funding for this block to improve the overall quality of the refurbishment Treadgold House has been selected for this funding based on an illustrative design by architects that shows a possibility of how a net zero refurbishment could be done. 

Using the funding would make Treadgold House an exemplar block across the UK and Europe in terms of energy performance. 

Find out more about the opportunity and the designs in the slide deck below.

Treadgold House Mustbe0 funding opportunity FAQs:

What is the minimum percentage of residents approval for the proposal to go forward? 
We propose a simple majority of 51% of all residents over 16. We also want people to give qualitative feedback if they like, as well as a simple "yes" or "no", so that we can discuss ideas and any concerns that residents have.  
 What different types of insulation are there? 
Generally, insulation can be split into two main groups: external and internal. Internal is added to the inside of the building's wall and so would make the inside space smaller. 

External insulation systems are often the most energy efficient and is needed to make homes as carbon-neutral as possible. It would help reduce heat loss and reduce energy bills for residents, plus improve soundproofing. It can be put on the roof and walls of the building. Insulation can have different levels of fire safety ratings. We will make sure that we only offer you A1 or A2-rated options which means they are completely non-combustible – for example made from mineral wool, and inert coverings like brick or render which do not burn, and without any air gaps.  
 How disruptive will it be?  
External wall insulation would be much less disruptive to residents than internal wall insulation and also mean no reduction in internal floor area.  

One of the key conditions of this funding is minimising disruption to residents. There will be a focus on off-site construction, meaning minimal disruption on site as often occurs with traditional approaches to building work. 

If residents make a decision now, are they committed to it or are there options later on to shape the design and delivery? If not happy then, could they reject the proposals?

The key condition of the funding is that we are aiming for a net zero carbon design. 

There will be space for discussion and designing certain elements. If there are some elements that residents are really unhappy with, we would look to redesign those elements whilst minimising heat demand of the building. 

For example, there will need to be some sort of insulation, so we couldn't go forward then completely remove insulation from the design, but we could redesign the kind of insulation and how and where it is applied.   
Would the external insulation help with damp and mould on external walls? 

When we insulate a property, heat will stay in the house for longer at a higher temperature. We will use modern ventilation approaches to help keep the right kind of air in homes, and there are multiple types of ventilation options that we can explore. The concept designs include mechanical ventilation and heat recovery (MVHR) which would really help to reduce damp and mould, whilst reusing heat from homes by warming in coming fresh air.  

How will we complete a thorough consultation process given the short timeframe? 

We're using multiple channels to ensure all residents have the opportunity to speak with us if they want to – this includes a webinar, a drop-in at Treadgold House, phone calls, door knocking, emails and a WhatsApp group.  
 How efficient would a heat pump be in different outdoor temperatures? 
We are currently exploring different possible ways of heating the estate, including recovering heat from a sewer main that runs under the estate, air source heat pumps, plus hydrogen boilers. There are also different types of pump that we can explore, including air source and ground source.  
Are there plans in place to help residents with disruption? 

We're starting the internal refurbishment in Morland House and we have a range of respite options and plans in place to minimise disruption for residents and we're working on a respite brochure. We're continuing to improve our respite offer and this will be fully detailed and updated by the time works would commence in Treadgold House.  
Will there be new homes built on the top of the building? 

No, this is not currently part of our plans. In many ways, doing this level of refurbishment work would make this unlikely to be a future possibility, because it would then mean undoing some of the work.  
What about investment into a playground or green space? 

This is one grant that will fund significant improvement to the fabric of Treadgold House and the homes within. We know residents would like to see other things outside the block as well, such as a play area, and we are looking for other grants to fund these improvements.   

Treadgold House

An amazing 72% of residents from Treadgold House contributed to this top ten list of priorities for the upcoming refurbishment for their block. Replacing their kitchens came out on top just ahead of new bathrooms. Residents also wanted a new entry system and CCTV installed as well as re-design of the car park.   

Contact your Block Rep

You may wish to contact your Block Reps; Eunicia Harding & Maria Escudero to engage in further discussions about the design and the delivery of the refurbishments.
If you do not already have your Block Reps contact details, please contact us at or call 0800 389 2005 and we will put you in touch.