
Programme timeline for AOV and roof replacement works

The updated programme for the AOV and roof works is as follows: 
Barandon Walk  November 2023 - August 2025
Testerton Walk  January 2025 - September 2025
Hurstway Walk  April 2025 - January 2026
These dates are predicted and are subject to change. 
Email for more information

Update on AOVs and roofworks

We’re excited to share that the first three AOVs are
nearly complete! 

The cabling and new structural frames are in place, and testing is underway to ensure the
mechanical systems that operate the vents are working perfectly. Once final checks are finished, these AOVs will be up and running, and the surrounding scaffolding will be taken down.

With this progress, ACSL is ready to refurbish the
remaining AOVs on Barandon Walk. At the same time, preparations are underway to start the roof
refurbishment projects on Testerton Walk and Hurstway Walk, where AOVs will also be upgraded.

The refurbished AOVs will bring improved ventilation and fire safety to the buildings, and the modern technology will make them more reliable. Plus, they’ll tie in with the broader roof upgrades, which will boost the buildings’ energy efficiency.

Thank you to the residents of the Walkways for your cooperation as we continue these roof improvement works.
Watch them in action here!

Timelapse of Walkways energy efficient roof improvement works 

As part of the energy-efficient refurbishment of Lancaster West Estate , LWNT is upgrading the roofs on all three Walkways working with Amber Construction Services Ltd.

Watch the timelapse video showing the scaffolding being built up around each of the AOVs roof lights (Automatic Opening Vents) on Barandon Walk roof. The scaffolding, corrugated roof and sheeting will protect the communal corridors below from the weather as work starts on the skylights. The existing frames will be kept and the glass replaced with new thermally-efficient glazing.

When finished, the building will be better insulated and ventilated, with a protective barrier which will provide excellent weatherproofing and increased resilience against heavy rainfall, keeping homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Work started on Barandon Walk earlier in the year. We’re grateful for the cooperation of residents while these works continue. 

Thank you to all who attended the webinar and drop-in events!

Thank you to all Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk, and Testerton Walk residents that came to both the webinar and open house drop in event this week. 
Residents were able to speak to the design team about the final detailed designs for their blocks and home, and view material samples. 
If you missed the webinar, you can view it below. 
Please remember to fill in your survey by midnight Sunday 9 June to give your opinion on the final detailed designs. 

Final detailed designs webinar: Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk, and Testerton Walk

In May 2024 Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team invited residents from Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk, and Testerton Walk to join an online webinar to find out more about the phase 3 refurbishment of their homes: Final detailed designs. 
As part of the resident co-design process the design team presented residents with information on the final choices to be made to their blocks and homes to help them complete their preferences survey.

Walkways final detailed designs engagement events

Residents from the Walkways are being asked to finalise their preferences as we complete the co-design phase for the energy efficient refurbishment of your blocks.

Residents can give their feedback by filling in and returning a paper refurbishment survey which is being posted to your home, or online via the link below. We're also inviting residents to two events:

A drop in event 
Tuesday 21 May
3:30 - 6:30pm
North Kensington Resource Centre

An online webinar event 
Wednesday 22 May
6 - 7pm
Access the webinar here  

The webinar will also be uploaded on the website for those who missed it.

We recommend completing the survey once you have read the booklet posted to you, attended the events and/or watched the webinar. 
The survey deadline is midnight Sunday 9 June

Roofworks Meet the Team event 

Thank you to all Walkways residents who came along to last week’s Meet the Team engagement event for the upcoming roofworks to Barandon, Hurstway and Testerton Walks.
Residents were able to speak to LWNT and Amber Construction Services Ltd to ask questions and hear of the respite options available to them. 
The team for Whitesales demonstrated how the new AOVs that will be installed to improve ventilation and safety worked, and the team from Langley were in attendance to showcase the new roof material. 
If you were unable to make it down to the event, pop into Baseline studios and one of the team will be happy to show you the samples.  

Meet the team from Amber Construction Services Ltd

Walkways Roof Improvement Works  

Invitation to Meet the Team event

All Walkways residents are invited to a Meet the Team engagement event about the upcoming roof improvement works to Barandon, Testerton and Hurstway Walks. 
This will be a chance to view the designs and the construction phase plan, meet the team from Amber Construction Services Ltd and Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team, and ask any questions that you may have. Please do come along. 
Thursday 3 August at 3.30-6.30pm North Kensington Resource Centre 
As part of the planned improvement works, Amber Construction Services Ltd will be carrying out the following works:  • Roof renewal including insulation  • Rooflight replacement  • AOV’s (Automatic Opening Vents) replacement (smoke ventilation)  • Renewal of rainwater & soil & vent pipes  • New parapet wall including roof guardrail  • Pergola removal and replacements • Balcony screen installations 
The works will be carried out in stages and are scheduled to start on Monday 21 August 2023.
We look forward to seeing you there!  

Phase 2 survey results revealed  

Thank you to all Testerton, Hurstway and Barandon Walk residents who completed the Emerging Preferences and Choices refurbishment survey, winter 2022.
We asked residents to give their preferences on windows, external wall facade and more. Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team have collected the results and we can now reveal the chosen options. 
54% of walkway residents completed the survey. 
We proposed. Residents chose...
Windows: Aluminium top hung reversible Sliding balcony doors: Ideal combi IC
Hinged  balcony door: Ideal combi Futura+ outward opening
Balcony finishes: Aluminum anthracite dark grey
External facade: White, cream ​ and grey
Front door: Steel blue derwernt
You can find out more about the different options chosen by residents below.

Phase 2 survey results coming soon! 

As part of the latest co-design engagement, Testerton, Hurstway and Barandon residents voted on elements of the refurbishment including: window design and colour, block design and colour scheme, balcony flooring and new front doors.
54% of Walkway residents have engaged in the co-design so far, and we can reveal that the winning block colour scheme is... white, cream and grey façade! 
The image gives residents an idea of what the building may look like when the energy efficient refurbishment has taken place.
Coming soon we will be revealing the chosen options for all the other design elements.  

Walkways Emerging Preferences and Choices refurbishment survey launch!

It’s time for Walkway residents to choose your preferences for the refurbishment of your block by filling in the refurbishment survey. Use the link below to fill in the survey online or fill in the paper copy that is being sent to all properties, along with the letter inviting residents to an Open House event on Thursday 3 November 3.30-7pm. Deadline to return survey is midnight Sunday 20 November. Either drop it at Baseline, or post it in the silver survey box at the front of Baseline.
To help inform you of the refurbishment choices available for your home and your block, read the Emerging Preferences and Choices booklet below.
Survey now closed. 

Walkway refurbishment Open House: Time to fill in the refurbishment survey

Thank you to all Walkways residents who came along to the Emerging Preferences and Choices Open House refurbishment event last week at 411 Testerton Walk. 
We had nearly 100 residents through the door. Walkway residents were able to see examples of the new triple-glazed window, balcony upgrades, the new ventilation system, wall insulation and more, some of which you will be making choices on for your homes by filling in the refurbishment survey. 
Residents can complete the survey online by following the link below, or by filling out the paper survey, which was posted to every Walkways household, and dropping it in the silver survey box outside Baseline. Please return them by midnight on Sunday 20th November.

Open House invitation, Thursday 3 November 3.30-7pm

We’re inviting all Walkway residents to come to an Open House event at our pilot flat at 411 Testerton Walk on Thursday 3 November 3.30-7pm, and to complete the survey for the refurbishment of your block, part of the phase 2 of the resident co-design for the Walkways.

Open House invitation, Thursday 3 November 3.30-7pm

At the pilot flat on Testerton Walk, you'll be able to see examples of the new triple-glazed windows, the new ventilation system, balcony upgrades, wall insulation and more, some of which you will be making choices on for your homes by filling in the refurbishment survey. We look forward to seeing you there.

Walkways Refurbishment: Emerging Preferences and Choices Webinar

In October 2022, Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team invited residents from Barandon Walk, Testerton Walk and Hurstway Walk on Lancaster West Estate to watch an online webinar to find out more about phase 2 co-design for the refurbishment of their homes: Emerging preferences and choices. As part of the resident co-design process, LWNT presented residents with choices for windows, balcony upgrades, insulation, ventilation, refuse and more to help residents complete their refurbishment survey which is part of the co-design process.

Timelapse video of energy efficient refurbishment of Walkways pilot flat

Do you live in Barandon Walk, Testerton Walk or Hurstway Walk on Lancaster West?
Coming soon - refurbishment webinar, drop-in for Walkway residents, and your all-important survey! 
Watch the timelapse video as the pilot flat in Testerton Walk gets an energy efficient refurbishment. This flat is now complete. Walkway residents will soon be invited to inspect the new flat as Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team launch Phase 2 of the co-design process where we will agree emerging preferences and choices for the refurbishment of Barandon, Testerton and Hurstway Walk. 
At the pilot flat on Testerton Walk, you'll be able to see examples of the new triple-glazed windows, the new ventilation system, balcony upgrades, wall insulation and more, some of which you will be making choices on for your homes. Watch this space.

Walkways Roof Improvements Webinar

On Monday 16 May, Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team held an online meeting with residents of Barandon Walk, Testerton Walk and Hurstway Walk on the Lancaster West Estate to discuss the roof improvement works for their blocks. Architects for the Walkways Karacusevic Carson Architects (KCA) were able to present the designs for the roofs and explain the impact this will have on the buildings and homes, and residents had the chance to ask questions.

Your block is entering phase 2 of the refurbishment co-design

To begin the second phase of the refurbishment co-design, we’re inviting all Walkways residents to a webinar and drop-in event about the replacement and upgrade of Barandon Walk, Testerton Walk and Hurstway Walk roofs.
The improvement works will involve installation of new warm-deck energy efficient roofs, new double-glazed atrium rooflights with integrated Automatically Opening Vents (AOVs) to improve ventilation and weather proofing of communal areas, installation of new terrace screens and pergolas, new roof handrails, futureproofing of roof drainage, and installation of steelwork for potential installation of solar PVs.
You can find out more information about the upcoming works, give your preferences and choices, and talk to the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team, as well as your block architects (KCA) at the two events listed below:
Live Webinar: Monday 16 May 6-7pm  Join here  
Roof Improvement works & Dry Riser resident drop-in: Thursday 19 May 4-7pm, North Kensington Resource Centre (NKRC) 

Have your say!

Prior to the start of works, we're asking residents to fill in a survey to express their preferences on the colour and finish of the new rooflight frame, potential roof railing, and upgrades to the top floor terrace screens and pergolas. We will share potential block designs to help you with the survey.
You can view the different options being presented in the booklet below. 
If you are ready to give your preferences and choices now, you can do this by one of three ways: 
  • Return the survey you were sent in the post by dropping it into one of our W11 LWNT silver survey boxes outside the doors of Baseline Studios 
  • Send photos of your completed survey via WhatsApp to Linda Fenelon on 07814 608999 
  • Fill in the survey online, click here.  
If you would like to book a meeting to talk to someone from the team, click here.

It is really important residents return the survey before the deadline by 11pm on Friday 3 June

Walkways Phase 2: Emerging Preferences and Choices, Roof Works

Thank you to all Walkway residents who came to the roof pop-up event

Thank you to all Walkway residents who came to our recent roof works and pilot drop-in on Thursday 25 November.

It was good to be able to talk to you about the works that will be starting in your blocks in the New Year.

Improving Fire Safety as Part of Refurbishment

Maximising Fire Safety in Your Home | FAQS

Your refurb. Your choice. Walkways initial refurbishment ideas meeting

On Thursday 12th March, the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team held an online meeting with residents of Barandon, Hurstway and Testerton Walks on the Lancaster West Estate. We discussed the initial plans for refurbishment works on the blocks. Residents had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers from the architects KCA.
You can view the presentation slides and watch the recording of the meeting below.

Initial refurbishment ideas meeting


With a shared block type and very similar concerns, residents in Barandon, Hurstway and Testerton Walks had windows, heating and hot water and CCTV among their top 10 priorities for the upcoming refurbishment. 38% of residents took part in engagement in a part of the Lancaster West Estate that houses over 300 flats.

Contact your Block Rep

You may wish to contact your Block Rep to engage in further discussions about the design and the delivery of the refurbishments. 

Barandon Walk: David O’Connell & Simon Jolly
Hurstway Walk: Jacqui Haynes & Virginia Sang
Testerton Walk: Michelle Active, Miles Watson & Susan Al-Safadi 

If you do not already have your Block Reps contact details, please contact us at LancasterWestOffice@rbkc.gov.uk or call 0800 389 2005 and we will put you in touch.