Xaafaddaada, Codkaaga

Xaafaddaada, Codkaagu waa aagga WeAreW11 ee dhammaan wax-ka-qabashada iyo nashqadaynta Lancaster West Estate iyo wixii ka dambeeya.
Bal eega

Looking for different activities to enjoy this half term?

February 2025
Our family activities include:
-Planting workshops at Baseline Studios
-Community Breakfast and all-age sewing workshop
-Trip to London zoo
-Community Lunch & Memory Project with London Fire Brigade

Opportunities to meet new members of your community and take part in exciting workshops and trips throughout the half term!

If you would like to register your interest or book onto our London zoo trip please click on the tab below.
More information

Come along to the next Housing and Money Café!

February 2025
We have an opportunity for residents to drop in and meet the team, have a coffee, and discuss support with housing issues, finance, estate care, employment, energy advice and more! 

Tuesday 25 February9am-12pmSt Clements Church  W11 4EQ

We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you there!
More information

Walkways residents come along to your resident update meeting!

January 2025
Residents of Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk, and Testerton Walk are invited to join LWNT for a resident update meeting on:

Thursday 13 February
5:30 - 6:30pm
North Kensington Resource Centre, Whitchurch Rd, W11 1WG 

We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you there!
More information

Deganayaashu waxay ku hubsadaan shaqada riyada iyagoo u maraya barnaamijka LancWest Works

December 2022
Kooxda Lancaster West Neighborhood Team way ku faraxsan yihiin inay awoodeen inay caawiyaan Aamina oo degan Lancaster West inay hesho shaqo waqti buuxa ah.
Waxay hadda la bilowday Shaqaale Taageero Bulsho oo ay weheliso lammaane maxalli ah Clement James Centre. Aamina waxa ay qayb ka ahayd barnaamijka LancWest Works ee LWNT kaas oo loo dejiyay in lagu caawiyo dadka deegaanka in ay helaan fursado shaqo iyo tababar.
“Muddo ayaan shaqo raadisayay. Haddii aanay Khadra igu martiqaadin carwada maan ogaan lahayn fursadda Clement James,” ayay tiri Aamina.
LancWest Works waa fursad soo rogaal celin ah oo lagu caawinayo dadka deggan Waqooyiga Kensington inay helaan xirfado iyo shaqo cusub. Waxaad ka heli kartaa fursadaha ugu dambeeya adiga oo raacaya xiriirka hoose.
LancWest Works

Isku qor Warsidaha E-wargeyskeena