Summer swimming and softplay offer!

Swimming and Soft-play

For more information about these offers please contact 0800 389 2005.   

Residents will be given a FREE 6-week membership.
The membership provides free soft play sessions and free swimming only, for adults and children from August!
*Please note there are a few rules associated with the swimming offer to ensure everyone’s safety. 
One of the team will explain these to you when you receive your pass and you can also view them below.
For our swimming offer, please note you should comply with these Leisure Centre rules:

Junior swim  • Under 8’s and non swimmers under 16 must be accompanied by a competent adult swimmer.  • No more than two under 8’s or non swimmers under 16 to each competent adult swimmer.  • The competent adult swimmer must actively supervise under 8’s and non swimmers under 16. • Under 8’s and all non swimmers must remain in shallow water  • We strongly recommend under 8’s and all non swimmers use armbands and/or an appropriate buoyancy aid. 
Advice to adult non swimmers  • It is recommended that non swimmers over the age of 16 are accompanied in the water by a competent adult swimmer.